Lancelot Ml Adalah

Lancelot Ml Adalah

A "Bloody" Marriage[]

Ultimate level scaling

Ultimate level scaling

Golden FlashObtain via Legend of the Sword Event

M2 Champion Battle EmoteLimited-time reward from M2 Champion Exclusive Bundle

Setelah sebelumnya membangkitkan Argus sang nightstalker dan memanggil Odette sang penyihir angsa, sekarang giliran Lancelot sang knight flamboyan yang bergabung ke Mobile Legends. Tujuannya sih tentu saja mengejar Odette yang pernah menyelamatkan nyawanya.

Lancelot adalah seorang assassin yang memiliki damage output sangat besar. Sebagai gantinya, Lancelot memiliki durability yang sangat kecil sehingga rawan mati di tengah-tengah war.

Setiap kali melesat ke depan, Lancelot akan mendapatkan bonus damage sebesar 7,5 persen selama empat detik. Efek ini bisa di-stack empat kali hingga mencapai bonus 30 persen.

Soul Cutter jelas jadi salah satu poros dari gameplay Lancelot. Efek ini otomatis membuatnya harus selalu bergerak agar bisa mendapatkan damage yang maksimal.

Lancelot akan maju dengan kecepatan tinggi ke arah musuhnya memberikan, damage dan status Sword Mark. Bila musuh terakhir yang terkena Puncture tidak memiliki Sword Mark, Lancelot bisa mengeluarkan Puncture lagi sampai tidak ada musuh yang memiliki Sword Mark.

Puncture bisa digunakan saat melakukan defense dan offense. Saat melakukan offense, skill ini bisa dijadikan sebagai serangan pembuka ataupun penutup. Sebagai contoh, bisa saja Puncture digunakan untuk menghabisi hero musuh yang berusaha kabur dari war karena sekarat atau malah digunakan pertama untuk memberikan burst damage pada banyak target sekaligus.

Ketika digunakan saat defense, Puncutre bisa diarahkan off target sehingga Lancelot maju ke arah yang dituju dengan cepat. Baik itu untuk menghindari damage ataupun kejaran tim lawan saat mereka melakukan gank.

Lancelot mengeluarkan serangan dari tiga arah sekaligus membentuk segitiga dengan bagian tengah sebagai pusatnya. Siapapun yang berada di tengah-tengah serangan tersebut akan mengalami penurunan kecepatan gerak sebanyak 70 persen.

Thorned Rose adalah skill pertama yang harus kamu ambil di level satu. Skill ini akan menjadi bekalmu dalam urusan menghabisi minion dengan cepat atau menyiksa musuh yang satu lane denganmu terutama hero melee. Ketika mereka berusaha memukul minion kamu bisa menempatkan mereka di tengah-tengah Thorned Rose agar terkena damage maksimal dan perlambatan kecepatan.

Lancelot akan maju menerjang musuh dan memberikan damage fisik bagi siapapun yang dia lewati.

Phantom Execution memiliki animasi gerakan yang sama dengan Puncture, bedanya serangan ini memiliki efek invincible ketika diaktifkan dan tidak memiliki Sword Mark, sehingga tidak bisa diulang-ulang.

Phantom Execution juga bisa digunakan dengan cara yang sama dengan Puncture untuk menghindari damage atau kejaran tim lawan saat mereka melakukan gank.

Cara Bermain Lancelot

Cara main Lancelot sebenarnya mirip dengan hero assasins lainnya. Dia tidak memiliki durability yang tinggi sehingga tidak bisa bertahan terlalu lama di tengah-tengah war.

Pada early game kamu bisa memilih untuk bermain solo di lane untuk mendapatkan experience dan gold yang maksimal. Tapi bila kamu berhadapan dengan marksman atau mage kamu harus bertukar lane dengan hero lain. Kalau ternyata tidak ada lane lain yang bisa dipakai, kamu bisa tetap tinggal di lane tersebut dengan menggunakan strategi bertahan di dekat turret.

Biarkan musuh menghabisi minionmu agar minion mereka maju ke arah turretmu. Bila mereka mulai memukul turret segera keluarkan Thorned Rose yang digabung dengan Puncture untuk menghabisi semua minion sekaligus. Jangan pernah mati untuk menghindari tertinggal level di early game.

Jangan lupa untuk masuk ke hutan untuk mengambil buff atau creep lainnya demi mendapatkan gold dan experience tambahan.

Saat mid game dan terjadi war, Lancelot tidak boleh muncul pertama. Serahkan perkara inisiasi ini pada hero lain yang memiliki kemampuan inisiasi. Kamu harus cepat melakukan engage dan disengage agar terhindar dari burst damage miliki tim lawan. Kalau tim lawanmu memiliki tank kamu bisa mengeluarkan Thorned Rose untuk memberikan damage dan pengurangan armor.

Di late game Lancelot memiliki damage yang semakin besar dan akan semakin mematikan bagi musuh-musuhmu. Semua hero yang memiliki HP di bawah 5000 akan mati dalam satu kali kombo, sehingga kamu bisa menghabisi support atau mage yang dimiliki tim lawan dengan sangat cepat.

Kalau tim kamu tertekan maka tugas kamu hanyalah membersihkan lane atau menculik hero musuh yang tercecer saat war. Jangan pernah tepancing untuk mengejar musuh yang sekarat, karena kamu sangat mudah dihabisi ketika sendirian.

Baca juga panduan hero Mobile Legends lainnya:

"Thorns remain should petals fall."

1674W : 1722L (49.29%)

Prodigal son and genius swordsman of House Baroque.

As the eldest son of Duke Baroque, Lancelot was bom rebellious. Dead set on resisting the political marriage arranged for him by his father, he traveled the country and led a licentious life instead. After being wounded at a drunken brawl in a tavern. Lancelot was rescued by Odette and finally came to realize what his heart truly yearned for. The prodigal son made a repentant return and thus began his adventure across the Land of Dawn.

Each time Lancelot charges, his damage is increased by 7.5% for 4 s, up to 30%.

TypePhysical Skill/Blink

Lancelot charges in a designated direction, dealing 100 (+50% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage to enemies along the way and applying a Sword Mark to the first unmarked enemy hit. The Sword Mark lasts 5s. If Lancelot successfully applies a Sword Mark to an enemy, the cooldown of this skill will reset.

Lancelot strikes in the target direction 3 times, each time dealing 225 (+100% Extra Physical Attack) Physical Damage to enemies hit (damage is reduced when multiple enemies are hit). He's untargetable and invincible during this process. Enemies in the center of the area take all the 3 hits and are slowed by 20% for 0.5s. The Slowing Effect can stack. This skill only benefits from 40% of Lancelot's Spell Vamp.

TypePhysical Skill/Blink

After a short period of charging, Lancelot performs an executioner's strike in a forward direction, dealing 400 (+150% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage. He is invincible throughout the process.

I become one with the sword.

Battle Spell Lancelot

Karena akan sering melakukan farming di hutan, Lancelot tentu perlu Retribution untuk mempercepat proses tersebut. Untuk sepatu Jungle, Lancelot bisa menggunakan Bloody Retribution atau Flame Retribution bila dibutuhkan.

Emblem Set yang paling cocok untuk Lancelot adalah Custom Assassin Emblem dengan poin penuh ke Agility dan Invasion, lalu Talent Killing Spree. Ide besar di balik set ini cukup sederhana: Kamu ingin masuk dan bergerak dengan cepat di tengah kerumunan musuh sambil menghasilkan damage sebesar mungkin dengan Agility dan Invasion. Kemudian Killing Spree membuatmu bisa bertahan hidup sangat lama dalam situasi tersebut jika kamu berhasil membunuh hero lawan.

Lancelot dalam build ini akan fokus pada burst damage, pengurangan cooldown dan sedikit survivability. Jadi kamu bakal melihat ketiga tipe Gear yang memiliki status tersebut di sini.

Pilihan sepatu untuk Lancelot sebenarnya cukup banyak. Jika kamu ingin all-in untuk bermain agresif, Magic Shoes tentu pilihan yang paling tepat. Sepatu ini memberikanmu cooldown reduction yang membuatmu bisa lebih sering menggunakan skill, yang berarti damage output yang lebih besar.

Blade of the Heptaseas

Item ini dipilih karena memberikan Physical Attack dan attack speed yang sanga dibutuhkan oleh hero seperti Lancelot. Selain itu Blade of the Heptaseas memiliki skill Unique Passive berupa penambahan penambahan damage 100 persen saat Lancelot tidak menyerang atau menerima serangan selama 5 detik. Mengingat Lancelot merupakan hero yang jarang menyerang dengan basic attack, Unique Passive ini akan sangat berguna.

Tidak banyak item yang memberikan tambahan damage output fisik yang besar selain Blade of Despair. Bonus Physical Attack yang sangat tinggi dari item ini sangat berguna di early game di mana musuh-musuh belum memiliki HP yang tebal ataupun armor yang keras.

Walaupun saat ini tank tidak pernah masuk meta manapun, tapi bukan berarti Malefic Roar tidak perlu digunakan. Justru dengan adanya Malefic Roar kamu jadi bisa menghancurkan para fighter dengan lebih mudah, tanpa terhalang armor yang mereka miliki.

Endless Battle selalu cocok untuk hero yang mengandalkan perpaduan serangan biasa dan skill seperti Lancelot. Ini karena efeknya membuat serangan tiap hero menghasilkan true damage tiap kali hero tersebut selesai menggunakan skill. Ingat, Lancelot adalah hero yang bisa menggunakan skill terus menerus berkat Puncture.

Sebagai assassin, Lancelot akan sering terjun ke te tengah kerumunan lawan. Tapi selincah apapun gerakannya, ia mungkin akan tetap menelan damage dan kehilangan HP. Queen’s Wings akan sangat membantunya bertahan hidup dengan terus maju menyerang lawan untuk mendapatkan lifesteal yang besar.

Additional Content[edit]

Lancelot, Blade of Roses' Skills. Retrieved February 04, 2023 from

Notable Players[edit]

— Mobile Legends: Bang Bang

Lancelot, the Blade of Roses, is a hero in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang.

As the eldest son of Duke Baroque, Lancelot was born rebellious. Dead set on resisting the political marriage arranged for him by his father, he traveled the country and led a licentious life instead. After being wounded at a drunken brawl in a tavern, Lancelot was rescued by Odette and finally came to realize what his heart truly yearned for. The prodigal son made a repentant return and thus began his adventure across the Land of Dawn.

In the [southwest] of the Moniyan Empire [lays] Castle Gorge that had fallen into decline due to the depletion of its famed gold mines.

As the oldest noble in the Empire, House Baroque ruled over Castle Gorge. The eldest son of Duke Baroque—Lancelot was a handsome young man with [unmatched] sword skills. He'd received an all-round good education but also inherited his father's snobbery and haughtiness.

House Baroque had been in decline for years, and the duke was relying on loans to keep up a [façade]. To revive his family, the duke came up with a brilliant plan—to choose a daughter-in-law with a handsome dowry and make a fortune out of Lancelot's marriage. Or so he thought…

Lancelot had been fascinated by the charming knights and their heroic tales since childhood and believed that he was the most brilliant and charismatic knight of the modern time—so to him, it would besmirch his honor had he made money off his own marriage. So, Lancelot left home after a ridiculous duel with his father led to by a serious falling-out.

Even though he'd lost the financial support from his father, Lancelot made a living out of his excellent swordsmanship by attending contests across the country. He never lost a battle on the arena and would be uttering his family motto "Thorns remain should petals fall" while signing his initials onto his opponent's body with his sword.

Free of his father's control, Lancelot began fooling around with women, and stories of his romantic affairs spread throughout the empire. People jokingly called him the Blade of Roses. But Duke Baroque obviously didn't think of it as any delightful tale and was told to have crossed Lancelot's name from their family records in a fit of anger…

Lancelot played and traveled all the way to the Azure Lake, and after drinking his fill in a tavern, he held a harp, played and sang a song in praise of himself, secretly gloating over the cheer from the crowd. Then he suddenly noticed a few drunkards surrounding a young girl in a velvet mantle. Immediately he drew his sword to help the harassed maiden out of the situation but accidentally got hurt due to his inebriated mind.

After driving away the drunken hooligans, Lancelot stumbled out of the tavern knowing that his injury might be fatal, and he refused to collapse in a tavern so gracelessly.

Covered in blood, he dragged himself towards a tree and fell on the ground. Before he lost his consciousness, he saw a pair of glowing swan wings—maybe it was the angels coming to welcome his soul into heaven?

Lancelot woke up to find he was lying on a bed with bandages wrapped around his chest, an elegant young maiden smiling wearily at himself. The swan wings he saw before he fainted were actually the swan crown on the girl's head. Lancelot thought that he'd never seen a face so beautiful and innocent, but he could barely speak before falling into a sound sleep again…

The girl treated Lancelot with great care and kept using magic to help him heal. After a few days of struggle, finally his life was no longer at risk. It was then that Lancelot learned he'd been living inside the Swan Castle of House Alvin, and the girl that saved him was Princess Odette of the noble family.

It was forbidden to let any outsiders inside the Swan Castle, so Odette sneaked Lancelot in and hid him in a room atop the castle tower. As Lancelot gradually recovered from his injury, Odette would deliver food to him with a young maid every day.

At first, Lancelot thought with conceit that Odette saved him because she'd been enamored by his charisma. But later he found out that she was the girl he helped at the tavern.

In the first few days they spent together, Lancelot didn't change his old habit of telling half-truths about his swordsmanship and the great adventures he'd had across the land. He concealed his identity as a Baroque and called himself "Lancelot, the romantic knight of Castle Gorge" instead. Odette believed in every poem he sang while playing the harp—be it about his hometown Castle Gorge or the Celestial Palace he'd never been to, the bandits and thieves he'd defeated or the dark deities he'd only heard of on his trips. This young princess who'd been caged inside the Swan Castle since she was a child was full of curiosity towards the outside world.

Rather than being his usual conceited self, Lancelot started to feel guilty about lying. When he could no longer boast about his conquests before Odette, he realized he'd fallen madly in love with the pure princess. He regretted the promiscuous lifestyle he'd led before but found it difficult to reveal his feelings to Odette. So, whenever she came visiting, Lancelot would hold the harp and sing passionate love songs. First Odette didn't understand his intentions, and then became at a loss of how to respond. Later she just remained quiet with a blush on her cheeks…

In the few days before Lancelot fully recovered, Odette for some reason never showed up once. Not being able to see the object of his desire, Lancelot couldn't even stop his fingers from trembling while playing the harp…

The agitated Lancelot had to ask the maid that came to deliver food to him about what happened to Odette. The girl replied with a cheerful smile, "Someone proposed to our princess. She'd been busy with it…"

The words struck him like thunder. At that very moment, Lancelot broke a string of the harp out of utter shock.

After mulling over the situation, he requested the maid to send a letter to Odette:

Dear Princess, please forgive me for departing without a farewell. I've decided to travel to every mythical land as in the songs I've sung. I promise that the day I return to the Swan Castle, I will stand before you as a true knight. Hopefully, with the Azure Lake and bright sunlight as my witness, I will finally be able to tell you what I've been muttering to myself…

Just as Odette put down the letter and rushed to look out of the window, Lancelot had quietly left for a great journey across the land.

As brutal wars were waged throughout the Land of Dawn, the Blade of Roses was about to compose a song of praise that truly belonged to him…